Sunday, 31 July 2011

Got Draft? :D

Hi hi everyone XD Its me again yay~ :D

Yesterday I went to mtg store..I mean The Hall of Planeswalkers(lol I just make it sound like in fantasy world  :P)to join Standard game..

Unfortunately..most planeswalkers r not interested in Standard for right now.:*(

Yes Im sad nao.Problem?

But there is draft events!!Wow...3 draft pods in 1 day.Owh Em Gee!!Should i join them?

*Checking my cash....insufficient of money..i mean Zenny!!(lol.make it more fantasy-like pls :P)

And my friend asked me "Hey Didi.Do you wanna to join draft?"
I replied " I want but i dint have $$$"
"Nah..I'll pay.Want?"

So..the second pod of draft event..BEGIN!!!>:D

For the 1st pack..I got Lord of Unreal!(Real enuf? :P)woohoo..I made my mind to build illusion aggro(as if its easy lol).

But.. after alots of passes...i found out pick more to R/G variant..x_x

For 2nd pack..there is Solemn Simulacrum!!.
And.. owh!!Timely Reinforcement!

After that..ppl beside me passed me Manabarb! I was like @_@...
Great!:D.And passed me Goblin Fireslinger and Lifelink..
Okay~I made my mind again!From R/G to R/W lolol :D

For the 3rd pack..I got Chandra Outrage, another Lifelink and Goblin Fireslinger,Scepter of Empire and Honor of Pure..the rest is counter draft thing :D

After a few minutes..i reconstruct back my pool..
and its goes like this.

3x Goblin FireSlinger                2x Chandra OutRage
3x Goblin Arsonist                    1x Manabarb
1x Blood Ogre                           2x LifeLink
1x Elite Vanguard                      1x Scepter of Empire
1x Stonehorn Dignitary              1x Spirit Mantle
2x Timely Reinforcement          1x Oblivion Ring
1x Manic Vandal                        1x Stave Off
1x Solemn Simulacrum              2x Lava Axe
1x Crimson Mage                       1x Divine Favor
1x Slaughter Cry                    
                              1x Buried Ruin
                              7x Mountain 
                              7x Plain

Sleeve-in and start the 1st duel!!

1st Round!!

I have Timely reinforcement in my hand along with *beep(forgot lolx) and i just drop a land and go.

At 2nd turn, he drop a creature and after that he whacked me.
Plan activated!I cast Timely reinforcement and gain 6 life as well as 3 soldier tokens!

Enchant a token with Spirit Mantle and whack till end.(Both of us go mana flood lol)

2nd Round!!

Turn 1 I cast Goblin Arsonist
At turn 2 he distress me @_@..and choose chandra outrage!!crap =__=;;.

I top deck'ed Scepter of Empire :D and cast it.

He cast Azure Mage.
Then I cast Manabarb which make him hesistate to cast any spell.

He drop a land and play Phantasm Dragon! and take 4 damage @_@!

At end turn I keep shot him via Scepter of Empire.
Then I cast Divine Favor on Goblin Arsonist(Gain life :D)

He attack with Phantasm Dragon but I cast Stave Off on it.

In the end he cant cast any spell because of Manabarb and I keep shot him with Scepter :D.
Win yay :D

1st Round!

I have 2 land in my hand.Without any doubt, I just keep this hand.

She cast Bird of Paradise at 1st turn!!
And at my turn I cast Goblin Arsonist.

She cast Garruk Companion.(*gasp x_x)

I drop a land and no 2nd drop.

She attack me with Garruk companion, I blocked it with Goblin Arsonist and shot Bird Of Paradise.

And the worst scenario begin.I dint draw any land while she keep casting alots of creature..
Its end just like that.Being swarmed like no end. T_T.

2nd Round!!

This round is tragic T_T.
She has same drop.1st turn Bird of Paradise 2nd and 3rd turn Garruk Companion(Garruk duo..duh!)

While I has Goblin Arsonist along with 3 tokens of soldier and Solem Simulacrum.
I keep defending but she alots of solutions.

Aether Adept my Goblin Arsonist..
Mind Control my Solemn Simulacrum.

In the end..I lost to 2 3/1 flying bird ( i forgot the card name lol)

I lost x_x....

1st Round!!

His deck similar with Miss Joe.But his deck is R/G with Garruk Companion and stuff.

He keep swarming me with alots of creatures.
And I try to defend via Solemn Simulacrum , 3 tokens , Blood ogre.
He showed me his Overrun in his hand.Ya ya ya.. I scooped T^T.

2nd Round!!

This round I aggro him via Goblin Arsonist , Elite vanguard ,Blood Ogre and Goblin Fireslinger.

I shot every his creatures lolx and win. :D

3rd Round!!

This turn is funny XD.

He got Garruk Companion and attacked me.
I block it with Goblin Arsonist.Before combat damage, I cast Slaughter Cry to Goblin Arsonist and in response he cast Incinerate on it.
I cast Stave Off on Goblin Arsonist (choose Red to negate Incinerate)

But...its  a stupid move lolx.
Because its negate Slaughter Cry's effect too.. waaa!!! T_T..

And next turn I cast Stonehorn Dignitary to delay his force.
Then I top deck Manabarb and cast it.
Both of us freezed lol because we got low life left.

After a few turns.. I got Goblin Fireslinger , Lifelink and Divine Favor lol..
I keep shoot him and recover back my life.
And for finale , I cast Lava Axe and end the game :D.

So.. the score is 2 wons and 1 lose.(not bad eh :D)
But I got alots of fun today!! XD

Looking forward to the next draft / standard :D
Owh!Its time for prize :D.
I opened the pack and I got...........


                                                                                  (To be continued.. :D)

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

LOL @ those 2. :D

Vampire nocturnus said..
"Your life will set with the sun."

But, Sun Titan said ..
A blazing sun that never sets.
So...whos rite? :D

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Having a conversation with Madam X

At somewhere that looks creepy..

*Knock knock~
Me : Hello~~anyone there?

                                                   Madam X : Yes?What it is?

Me            : O hai Lol :D.
Madam X : =__=;;
Me            : Can u help me to predict ?
Madam X : Owh.Predict about what?
Me            : Future MTG's meta :D Standard type of course lolx :P.
Madam X : Owh lol.K sure.But! U have to close ur eyes.
Me            : Erm?Wai?Oh nvm.. i just have to close my eyes rite?
Madam X : Ya rite.Now stfu and concentrate.
Me            : Aye aye captain!
Madam X : Zzzz ..Okay.. LET'S BEGIN!!Oooo~~~@*&& 
                   (@**@#^@*#)_($ ( chanting ) 

*Turn on Laptop.
*Login into
*Read forum lol.

Madam X : Owh..I saw it! I saw it!
Me            : *instantly open my eyes.Owh!What it is? What it is?                   
                     Wha........................ *Eye-ing on the Laptop.
Madam X : *instantly turn off the Laptop and hide it in 0.01 sec.
                     Ho ho ho XD.
Me            : Is that...?
Madam X : Erm?What?What?
Me            : Nthg =__=;;
Madam X : Cut the crap lol :D.Okay~~nao im going to tell you what 
                   did i see in my vision.
Me : Kay~~

Madam X : I saw Mono Red Goblin aggro deck >:( !!!1!!

Me           : @o@. Mono Red Goblin aggro deck!!OMGOMG.That  
                  deck surely faster than my Vampire deck!
Madam X : Wait.There is another one!
Me            : Tell me! tell me! x_x!!
Madam X : Its...U/W control deck!
Me           : With caw blade?
Madam X :No lol.
Me            : Control deck =__=;;I hate being countered lolx
Madam X : Lol.Owh..There is another deck!
Me            : Another control deck with counters again?
Madam X : Yes :D
Me           : Sigh =__=;;
Madam X : Its U/B control deck.

Me          : Owo..But,how about Mono White weenie deck?

Madam X : I saw it too lolol :D.
Me            : Erm.. Valakut twin combo?
Madam X : Its still good in Standard.Along with Mono Black  
                   Control,U/B Tezzeret , G/x Birthing Pod etc etc etc.

Me            : I think im going make a new deck for against em all :D
                   Any tips for me?
Madam X : Well...u have to find it by urself *serious face.And the  
                   most important is!

*switch on TV

*switch off TV

Madam X : Get it?
Me            : Yah XD.Thx lolx.Erm.. i think i got to go now :D
Madam X : So soon?
Me            : Yah :( ..i want to update something at my blog lol.:D
Madam X : Okies ..
Me            : Well.. cyah :D Thx for helping me XD
Madam X : No biggies ^w^

*10 minutes later
*Turn on Laptop
*Login to
*Read forum.

Madam X : Owh.. VengePox deck seem competitive.Im going to  
                   make the deck.Teeheheh >:D

*At outside
*Im walking slowly

Me          : What deck should i make?Or..should i just stick with  

                                                                           (To be Continued..)

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

M12 PreRelease report :D

Hi guys :D Are you having fun @ M12 PreRelease?
Of course rite?Lololol.

Ha ha ha :D

Is there any nice / bad moment that happened to you?
Well,lemme shares mine 1st :D


a)Got Chandra,The Firebrand , Garruk ,Primal Hunter and     
    Solemn Simulacrum in 1 pool! XD

b)Got free booster for each session (lucky draw XD)

c)Manage to defeat a pro player (almost lose lol x_x)
Yay lol :D


a)Vengeful Pharaoh in my deck but im using Red/Green deck.=__=;
 b)My hand(cards) scattered because im too nervous lolx and my    
    opponent knows what cards in my hand...zzzzzzzzzzzz
stupid mistake duh

a)When my opponent attack with Stampede Rhino and Warpath   
    Ghoul,I use Grim Lavamancer to block Stampede Rhino.
    After that i cast Slaughter Cry on Grim Lavamancer!1st strike        
    damage on the stack i activated Grim Lavamancer's ability  
    (remove Slaughter Cry and Chandra Outrage from graveyard) to  
    shot 2 damage on Warpath Ghoul~~and victory XD

b)I cast Act of Treason to steal his Inferno Titan.But he countered   
    my Act of Treason via Cancel and i failed and lose T_T..

c)I have Blood Ogre with bloodlust enchanted with Trollhide,
   Goblin Arsonist and Grim Lavamancer on battlefield.I has 5 life  
   point left x_x.
   My opponent has alots of creatures(i forgot lol which creatures)   
   and he has 8 life point left.
   If he swing with all of his creatures, i will  lose for sure @_@.. hoping for a good card to change this situation @ my  
Destiny Draw FTW!!
     And i draw FLING!!Its a big relief lol!So i whack him via Goblin  
     Arsonist and he dint block it(1 damage)
     Then i cast Fling on Blood Ogre and fling to him (5 damage)
     And~~~activate Grim Lavamancer's ability (remove Trollhide  
     and Blood Ogre) to shot 2 damage on him.Happy ending lolol XD

d)Royal Assasin is a Traffic Police lol.He forced opponent to not to  

e)Chandra , The Fire Brand + Fireball = devastating :D

f)Rush = lose T_T.My opponent has Storm Pegasus and i  
   have Plummet in my hand.

   I cast Plummet on it and my opponent was like..@_@!!"gladly i   
   didnt cast Serra Angel yet" and after that he cast Serra Angel.

   And its my turn to >>@____@!!!

   Im hoping for any removal to destroy that Serra Angel but i keep   
   drawing land..duh..lose wuu T^T
   Actually, there is more duel moments but i forgot lolx x_x


a)I got fever on that day but seem my focusing level became higher.
   Strange =___=;;

b)Got a new friend lololol :D

c)Witnessed a big misfortune of someone that i know =__=;;
Warghhhh!!!!!!(<---- His feeling at that time?)

d)There is a troll-like player at there lol.He loves to laugh lol.

Ehehe.. what a tired day but its fun XD.

I guess after this i want to write down every moves that i do from MTG duel to post on this blog lololol :D

Well.... later kay ;D

Friday, 8 July 2011

Hurray!!!!!! XDXD

Yesterday is Friday~~
Today is Saturday!!!!!

Yay!!!! XD Its time for~~~~~

                                         M12 PRE RELEASE!!!!!

.Good luck on M12 pre release guys:D Its gonna be fun XD fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun~~

(to be continued :D)

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Superstitious in MTG lol~

Vampire Vampire Vampire :3

Vampire deck?Ehehehe .. I loves vampire deck since Zendikar :D
I dont know why.
Maybe because they are fast and furious (or i've been infected by Twilight's virus lol)

Owh yah..not mention that they are elegant too ;D

There is 2 variant of vampire deck.Black/Red Vampire and mono black vampire :3
Mine is Black/Red variant with my own idea ;D

                                           B/R VAMPIRE.dec

Kalastria Highborn x 3
Gatekeeper of Malakir x 3
Bloodthrone Vampire x 3
Bloodghast x 4
Vampire Lacerator x 4
Pulse Tracker x 4
Viscera Seer x 4
Mark of Mutiny x 3
Lightning Bolt x 4
Burst Lightning x 4 
Fling x 3
Blade of Bloodchief x 3
Dragonskull Summit x 4
Blackcleave Cliff x 4
Mountain x 2
Swamp x 8


Arc Trail x 3
Vampire Nighthawk x 3
Vampire hexmage x 3
Jinx Idol x 3
Shatter x 3

.........3 months left before the rotation (Zendikar > Innistrad)
*Sob sob..i guess after that..its a farewell for us my beloved vampire deck T^T

Monday, 4 July 2011

What will happen when you fight against heavy counter deck =__=

Once upon a time...

There is 2 owls was fight with each other....

And suddenly!
Both of them were strucked by lightning bolt!The end~~

Just kidding lolx.

O hai everyone :D .Hello~ Im Didi,A Planeswalker a.k.a duelist in MTG world(average level X<)
Nice to meet you :D

Well, I create this diary is just for sharing my experiences in MTG world :x .So...lets the magic begin~~~